Frequently Asked Questions

We have over 5,000 reviewers and we can take up to the same number of ratings for a single app. There is a discount of 10% for anything above 300 ratings.

All orders are completed within 7 days. There might be a slight delay during weekends and major US holidays. However if you want the reviews to be delivered for a longer time (drip feed) we can do that.

We know the rules on both iOS AppStore and Google Play store. We follow them to the letter and ensure that all reviews are natural. For over 3,000 orders no account have ever been banned.

All reviews are from unique IPs, devices and from individual people. We don’t sue bots or emulators for this.

All the ratings come from around the world and Mostly US,Canada,Europe and Australia. You can also specify a country and language for specific AppStore country rankings.

To order reviews for your paid app, use the contact page and send as the details. We will create an invoice for the order. The pricing for the reviews will be inclusive of the purchase price of your app.

For the number of Apps that we have reviewed in the past 9 months, we can only report ranking increase but there are other factors including your competition.

Paypal is our payment processor of choice and accepts major credit cards. We can arrange for other methods too depending on your situation.
